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Would You Like A ZERO EFFORT Way To Dramatically Increase The Positive Changes You Create In Future Clients Without Any Extra Work On Your Part - Using A Simple Process I Paid $75,000 To Learn?
David Key
Have you ever heard of “Client Readiness” when it comes to coaching people?
If not - I’m about to save you from making a very common coaching mistake that I made for years…
Before that though…
You’ve taken your first steps on an exciting new adventure where you master world class and lifelong skills that enable you to change someone else’s life (and your own) using proven techniques and strategies.
You are going to be learning the exact processes used by world famous transformational experts to the stars such as coaching giant Tony Robbins and bestselling author and changemaker Paul Mckenna.
I want to thank you for putting your trust in me and I can’t wait for you to see just what a bargain the training is and hear about the amazing impact you have on others!
I’d also like to reiterate you have everything you need to transform the limitations and challenges of others and help them to reach their potential in life.
However, there is something else I’d like you to know about just in case you’d like to get your clients even better results with less effort on yours (and their) part.
I realise that sounds crazy but let me explain and you’ll see why some coaches and their clients have to work harder than others to get the results they dream of…
…whilst other coaches clients lives transform with ease - before the first session has even begun!
You see, I’ve worked with coaches for long enough now to know that, when they’re starting out at least, there’s a secret fear that can stop them from going out and making the change they are capable of…
“David, how can I be certain I will create shifts in the client?” is a question I have been asked hundreds of times in the twenty plus years I’ve been working with coaches.
And so with that in mind I want to share this “insider” knowledge with you…
“Client Readiness” Is The Number One Reason Why A Client Doesn’t Change…
It’s a painful experience…
You desperately want to help someone but, despite having all the knowledge you need, they turn up to their first coaching session with you (be it over the phone, face-to-face or however else you choose to coach)…
…and the session goes terribly.
You then follow up and ask them if they want further sessions, because you’ve not heard anything from them, and you hear nothing back at all or get the dreaded “Nothing has changed so I think we best leave it there” text or email.
“What did I do wrong?”, you ask yourself.
You feel guilt and shame because someone paid you to help them and they didn’t get the transformation they hoped for.
Your confidence takes a knock and, the more this happens, the less likely you are to coach others because you start to question your abilities.
But what if I told you it had nothing to do with your abilities and everything to do with what I call “Client Readiness”?
What is “Client Readiness”?
And more importantly - why does it drastically increase your chances of transforming a clients life?
This Was What One Of The World’s Top Coaches Taught Me In Seattle About “Client Readiness”…
I wish I could say I figured all of this out myself…
But the truth is it was due to an experience with one of the top coaches alive that I realised I was making my own coaching life much harder than it needed to be.
See, I’ve spent a fortune learning from the worlds top coaching experts over the years and have always enjoyed improving my skills.
Years ago I paid $75,000 to a leading coach in Seattle in order to learn how he created such mind-blowing transformations with his clients.
And one of the things he used was so simple I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of it before…
He would provide all of his clients with audios that helped them to start to overcome their challenges - before he ever coached them.
For example, let’s say someone wanted coaching with him around their anxiety…
Once they had booked in for a session he’d send them an audio to listen to…
…and by the time the first coaching session came around the client had ALREADY seen changes in their level of anxiety and therefore was more open and ready to being coached by him.
He made his coaching sessions much more effective, and much less stressful, by sending his clients audios that did the “heavy lifting” before they even had the first coaching session.
Which brings me back to “Client Readiness”…
An Uncomfortable Truth: Why So Many Coaches Never Have Clients Return For A Second Session…
“Client Readiness” is a simple concept to understand…
It is quite simply how ready a client is to change when they first come to you for coaching.
If someone comes to your first coaching session and they’ve listened to an audio you provided and have already seen shifts and changes, even slight ones, they are going to be more receptive and open to what you say and do.
And that makes your coaching much easier because they already believe you can help them.
Compare that situation to this…
Someone attends the first coaching session with you but hasn’t been helped in any way before that first session.
What that means is that they are far more likely to turn up with a more skeptical and closed mind because they don’t yet trust you enough.
The pressure is then on you to create shifts, fast, otherwise the session can go badly as they feel more and more skeptical as the time passes.
This is a big reason why so many coaches only have “one session clients” rather than clients who keep coming back again and again.
When I saw what this leading coach in Seattle was doing I realised how, for years and years, I’d made my life as a coach so much harder by never sending a client anything before the first session that already started creating shifts and changes in them.
I saw that what I now call “Client Readiness” was the key to an easier life as a coach - as well as better results for clients.
Which brings me to something I thought I’d tell you about that might just make the rest of your coaching life much, much easier…
Better Results For Clients And An Easier And Less Stressful Life For You…
Is it easier to push a car from a standing start - or once it’s already rolling?
Everyone knows it’s easier to push an already rolling car due to momentum.
Well, if you send your new clients an audio that creates change in them before you even have a session, that is like pushing a car that is already rolling.
Changing their life in your first session will be much, much easier because the momentum is already moving.
However if you don’t send your new clients an audio before the first session - that’s like trying to push the car from a standing start.
I’m not saying it can’t be done, it absolutely can, just that it can be harder and more stressful.
So in my opinion it’s a no brainer to provide an audio that create changes in advance of the first coaching session and I’m pretty certain that by now you agree.
But there’s a problem…
It can take months and a lot of experience to create the types of audios that create change in advance of working with a client.
Not to mention the cost (I paid a BBC sound engineer £4000 to do just two of mine!).
That’s why I’ve done the hard work for you…
I’ve put together what I call “The Client Readiness Kit” - done4u audios that you can provide to your client before the first session so they start to change positively before you’ve even said a single word to them.
Introducing: “The Client Readiness Kit And Licence” - How To Change Someone’s Life Without Saying A Single Word To Them…
I have created a set of ten audios for the most common challenges clients will come to you with based on decades of working with clients myself.
Each audio is designed to Relax the client and then begin to Restructure the beliefs and blocks that are causing them the problems and challenges that you will help them to overcome.
These audio’s increase the clients level of Relaxation…Restructure their beliefs…and increase their Readiness - all so that by the time they turn up to your first session changes have already begun and they see you as someone who knows their stuff!
These professionally created audios cover clients who want your help with…
1. Confidence,
2. Anxiety and stress
3. Procrastination
4. Grief and Sadness
5. Goal Achievement
6. Anger
7. Money Worries
8. Emotional Eating
9. Fears and Phobias
10. Self worth
Trust me - the vast, vast majority of your clients will fall into those categories because these are the most common problems people have (which means the potential people you can help is almost limitless!).
Each audio combines NLP, hypnotherapy and a fascinating breakthrough in psychology called 3P - along with relaxing music or sounds (such as ocean waves or birds singing) and even proven binaural beat technology (which syncs brain waves and makes it easier for changes to occur).
Simply send the client the relevant audio to their problem, a week or so before the first session, and let the audio do the work for you in getting your client primed and ready for a breakthrough first coaching session with you!
Which brings me to a question…
How Much Would It Be Worth To You To Feel Super Confident Knowing Your Clients Love You Before You’ve Even Worked Together?
Listen to me - it’s not nice when you end up having a session with a client that doesn’t go well.
And, truth is, no matter what you do, that will happen from time to time (I show you exactly how to handle it in the main NLP training so the client is still happy).
But you can stack the odds in your favour and make this an extremely rare event by ensuring that your clients experience changes and shifts in advance of your first session together using the “Client Readiness Kit And Licence”.
When you sign up you’ll be able to download the audios, training specifically on how to use the audios and an international licence that says you have the rights to be able to use them.
You’ll also get the training on how to create your own Readiness Audios should you wish to (by the way - the coach in Seattle would often send clients audios created by someone else, so it doesn’t need to be you or your voice in case you were wondering that).
So how much is your investment in the kit?
Well, keep in mind you can use them for the rest of your life working with clients…
And that you should be charging at least fifty dollars per client session (I’ll show you how to charge a lot more in the NLP training you’ve already bought and why it benefits the client to pay more)…
…I think you’ll be shocked to read that, for this moment only, you can get the Client Readiness Kit And Licence for a one time payment of only $47.
I think that’s an absolute steal for the peace and mind and confidence these will give you - not to mention the benefits your clients will experience.
In case you’re wondering, you will be able to invest in the kit and licence in the future if you wish but it will be a monthly fee of more than you have to pay as a one off fee today.
I’ll Prove It To You…
I realise you’ll likely want to experience these audios for yourself so I encourage you to not just take my word for how transformative they are…
Click the button below, add the Client Readiness Kit And Licence to your order and it will be added to your members area.
Listen to just one of the audios and you’ll recognise the power of it yourself immediately.
It will take less than an hour - but will have you buzzing with excitement and brimming with new confidence knowing you can now share it with your future clients.
If, any time within the next 30 days, you’re not happy with the purchase, simply contact my support and they will process your refund no questions asked (although your licence to use the audios will be revoked should you refund and you will not be able to use them with future clients).
I spent years and years coaching people without having them primed and ready for transformation.
It can be done.
But I’d taken the harder route without realising it and I don’t want that for you (or your potential clients).
Instead, risk free, I’d encourage you to get yourself a Client Readiness Kit And Licence for a one time low payment today whilst you still can.
Click the button below, add it to your order and it will be waiting for you in the members area.
Yes! Add The Client Readiness Kit And Licence To My Order
Whether you decide to take advantage of this offer or not thank you so much for reading and I truly hope you learned something from this exciting strategy.
See you on the inside!
Any questions? Please email support@auspicium.co.uk
David is an absolute legend of a trainer. Highly Recommended.
Tommy Franzen
Dancer & Choreographer - Strictly Come Dancing / Mamma Mia
I am lucky enough to have worked with David both at his live events and on his online programmes. The guidance, knowledge, and unique understanding I gained shape everything I do with my coaching business.
Anthony Astbury
CEO, Whole Man Academy
David's course opened up an infinite number of ways for me to get the life I want, right now, today, and in the future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone in search of a new professional career or for those who simply want a happier life. Thank You!
Lucia Pohrebnyak
Entrepreneur and Coach
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