If You Have ANY Interest In Your Own Psychology And Behaviour, Or That Of Your Future Coaching Clients, You Must Read Every Single Word On This Page…


Have Harvard Psychologists Discovered Why Many People NEVER Change And Instead Stay Stuck As They Are Despite Consuming Endless Personal Development Information, Working On Themselves For YEARS (Or Even Hiring World Class Coaches)?

David Key

Harvard psychologists talk about a strange and startling discovery about humans...


And when I first heard about it I had a huge lightbulb moment because it explained something that has haunted me ever since I started studying personal development 33 years ago...


Something that has especially haunted me since I became a coach and started working closely with people.


The discovery provided a fascinating explanation for why, despite buying tons of self help books...


Despite attending lots of seminars...


Despite watching endless hours of videos...


And despite buying huge amounts of courses...even hiring mentors and, yes, coaches...


Many people don't become who they want to be.


You can give them all the knowledge they need...


You can inspire and motivate them...


You can help them to understand themselves...


But something holds them back and keeps them stuck where they are and who they are - despite them desperately wanting to change.


I was told by others that "It's just the way it is. You can't help everybody".


Deep down in my soul, though, I felt that wasn't true.


And when I found out about what Harvard psychologists shared...


It hit me between the eyes why this changes everything...

If You Or Your Clients Struggle To Transform Then This Discovery Might Just Change Everything…

Stick with me here because I think this will blow your mind and change the way you see yourself and your clients forever...


And, shortly, I'll share with you exactly why this discovery might just take the brakes off of anyones personal development and skyrocket them towards the dream version of themselves at warp speed.




I'm David Key.


I'm an award winning coach, bestselling author and global trainer to coaches and changemakers across the world.


You've landed on this page because you're one of the 71,000 people who have bought one of my training courses related to becoming a world class coach and getting paid to change the lives of others.


It's very likely you're also extremely interested in your own potential and maximising your time on this planet by overcoming fears, limiting beliefs and behaviours that hold you back in life.


And because you want to be a coach and help others fulfil their dreams...


Because you also want to reach your own potential...


You cannot afford to ignore what I am about to share with you.


You owe it to yourself, and future clients, to read every single word on this page so that my message to you really sinks in.


It will make you a much better coach AND dramatically increase your chances of reaching your own individual aspirations and dreams if you take this on board.


See, what Harvard Psychologists share explains the root cause behind why so many people...

  • Struggle with fears like the fear of failure…
  • Buy courses, books and training's and never complete them or put them into action...
  • Battle against perfectionism and procrastination...
  • Worry about getting rejected or judged by others...
  • Face a constant tug of war about whether or not they're capable of being a coach or making their dreams happen...
  • Feel undeserving of money and charging others for their services…
  • Don’t become their dream version of themselves despite spending a fortune on courses, trainings, mentors coaches and more…
  • And, most of all, stay stuck where they are despite DESPERATELY wanting to change.

You're about to find out why these challenges and obstacles, and many more, are a result of one thing...


And you're also about to find out why, if you've struggled to take action towards your own dreams...


Or struggled to get clients to take action towards theirs...


It wasn't your fault.


Let me explain...

"Am I Missing Something Here?"

If you've worked closely with people who want to change in some way...


Who have some kind of dream about the person they want to become and what they want to do and achieve and overcome...


You'll likely have made a pretty heartbreaking discovery...


Some people, no matter what you do, don't change.


They want to change.


They really, really do.


But they don't.


The truth is, despite you using methods and strategies proven to create change in others, some  people will stay stuck where they are.


Dreams will fade and die.


Challenges and obstacles won’t be overcome.


And, as someone driven by impacting other lives, it can crack your heart in two if you let it.


The good news is, whilst many don't change, many others do.


I was told to focus on the people you can and do help so you can still feel great about what you do as a coach and changemaker.


Deep down though there was a nagging feeling...


With every person that hired me but didn't change...


With every person that bought one of my courses but didn't transform...


I asked myself...


"Am I missing something here?".


The type of person I am is someone who will always, always do whatever he can to provide the highest quality service.


Both to my coaching clients and students.


I've never, ever rested on my laurels and thought "I know it all now".


So I'm always reading…always learning…always growing...


And I always have my ear to the ground in the coaching industry to see what latest discoveries are made that can improve myself and my students.


Others in the coaching industry know that about me too and are often sharing their own findings.


Which is why this happened...

I Received A Phone Call That Created A Paradigm Shift In The Way I Saw Human Potential...

I'd just finished a morning of coaching calls.


Both calls were about the exact same thing...


The client was "stuck".


They had a dream...


They knew who they wanted to become and what they wanted and needed to do...


But something was holding them back.


So I used my coaching skills to empower and transform both the clients.


By the end of each call we'd got to the bottom of what their challenges were and I’d helped them move past them.


Afterwards, I was making myself a cup of tea, feeling proud of that morning's work, when the phone rang...


The voice on the other end was excited.


And when this person gets excited...I get excited!


"I've just figured it out!" they said, breathlessly.


"Figured what out I asked? Slow down".


I was laughing.


But also really, really intrigued.


"Why so many clients and students don't properly transform the way they want to".


The kettle clicked and had finished boiling.


I'd forgotten about my tea now, though.


My heart rate sped up a little...


The excitement coming out of the phone was infectious...


"Tell me more!" I said.


For the next fifteen minutes I listened intently as what had been discovered was shared with me.


At first I sat down and listened...


Then edged towards the end of the seat...


Then, as things really hit me, I had to get up and walk around.


Adrenaline was starting to hit my bloodstream.


Because this discovery aligned EXACTLY with what my coaching clients had been struggling with that morning...


And EXACTLY with how I helped them to overcome the problem.


Sometimes the universe speaks so loudly - you'd be a fool to not listen...

As I Listened I Felt A Wave Of Relief Wash Over Me

I'm not going to lie...


The relief I felt almost topped the excitement I felt.


See, what I was hearing made TOTAL sense to me.


I had flashbacks to clients and students that did transform...


...and flashbacks to those who didn't.


And it was crystal clear that what was being shared with me aligned perfectly with my own experiences working with people for decades (and in my own personal development too!).


I'd just never been able to connect all the dots together in the way I was now doing at that moment.


As we both chatted on the phone I shared stories that showed what Harvard spoke about was true in my own experiences...


My friend on the phone, who has coached all kinds of people for over ten years, shared their own...


Together we excitedly could feel that our abilities to impact others had just gone up in a big way.


Don't get me wrong...


We were both already extremely good at what we did and got amazing results.


But now we felt we could finally understand and help those who didn't seem to be able to change despite desperately wanting to.


Enough teasing - let me share with you what was shared with me...

Here's What Harvard Talk About (And Why This Changed Everything)…

In order to understand this I need to take you back in time...


Way, way back...


To a time before food was easily available...


To a time before we had warmth and shelter...


To a time where our very safety was at stake on a daily basis due to predators and other tribes.


The world, for millions of years, was an extremely dangerous place for our ancestors.


Dying before you hit 30 was normal.




You name it - our ancestors were falling victim to it.


Experts at Harvard believed that, because the world was such a dangerous place, our ancestors developed a survival strategy...


And really listen to the next bit because this is so important...


When things were comfortable - our ancestors DIDN'T take risks.


If you had enough food - you don't take risks to go out and get more where you could easily fall prey to a predator.


If you had enough logs for the fire - you don't take risks where you go out to get more and encounter an enemy tribe.


If you had enough water - you don't take risks by going to the river where you could fall victim to the elements.


I could go on.


The point is, as a survival strategy, our ancestors would avoid risk at all costs unless they had to take them in order to survive.


Harvard Psychologists called this "Loss Aversion Except When Threatened”.


When things were comfortable - our ancestors DIDN'T take risks.


And because avoiding risk when comfortable worked in keeping people safe and alive...


It got passed on through the generations as a survival strategy...


And became a genetically inherited trait that was hard wired into humans DNA in order to allow them to survive and reproduce.


When things are comfortable - you DON'T take risks.


That survival mechanism is hard wired into humans.


It became part of our biology.


Really let that settle in.


And then read on to discover...

How This Legacy Lives On In Us Today...

OK, fast forward to the modern day...


We have food, shelter and safety.


Most of us do at least.


We're extremely fortunate and live better than a King and Queen would have been able to just a few hundred years ago.


The dangers of the past have gone...


But our biology still see's RISK out in the modern world.


It still has the "Loss Aversion" programming inside of us.


What has changed is what we have been culturally conditioned to see as "risky".


And, if we're comfortable, we'll avoid putting ourselves in situations that could trigger those "risky" things becoming a reality.


Let me give you an example…


Many moons ago something the tribe would have conditioned you to see as risky would have been large animals like tigers or other enemy tribes.


Unless you desperately needed food, water or warmth - you should never risk encountering one.


These days one of the things we've been culturally conditioned to see as risky is failure.


Fear of failure is a HUGE obstacle to making your dreams happen and exists because of your own experiences in the past and how you reacted to them, or because of what others taught you about failure.


Now, let's say you are in a career.


You don't love it...it doesn't light you up every day...you might even hate it...but it's comfortable because you know it.


And starting a new career, or a new business, could result in failure (something you’ve likely been conditioned to think of as risky).


So, using the survival strategy from the past, you'll likely avoid starting something new and stay where you are.


It's comfortable there, after all.


No "risk" in what you already know and are doing, you see.


Sure, it might not make you happy.


Ah, but you'll be far more likely to "survive" in the eyes of your biology.


And that's all it cares about.


Here's the really interesting bit...


When I looked at past clients and students who had succeeded in making their dreams happen I saw two common patterns when it came to the fear of failure...


Either they DIDN'T see failure as risky and therefore forged ahead...


OR they were so uncomfortable with where they were that they saw experiencing failure as the lesser of two evils and they forged ahead.


For those that were comfortable though...


And those who saw failure as a bad thing and therefore feared risking failure becoming a reality...


It was almost guaranteed they wouldn't see things through to the end.


Their biology put the brakes on their psychology and lasting change and action felt almost impossible.


That's why this little Harvard discovery my friend shared with me rocked my world.


Whether someone makes their dream happen or stays where they are comes down to two things...


How comfortable they are and what they perceive as risky and therefore fear happening.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Has this ever happened to you or your clients…


You want something.


It might be more confidence…a better body…a new career…new business…new relationship…


Whatever it is - it’s a dream of yours.


You know, if you could just get that thing or become that person, you’d be much happier.


So you buy courses or books or attend seminars or hire coaches in order to learn how to get there.


But either you don’t complete the course/book etc…


Or don’t put it into action fully and consistently.


Somewhere, someplace, you fall off along the way.


Your motivation wanes.


You find yourself getting distracted by something else that promises to help your dream come true.


Another book…another seminar…another coach or course…


At first you’re excited again.


But then the cycle repeats itself.


You don’t complete it or don’t put into action what you know you should.


Perfectionism and procrastination become a consistent companion.


If that sounds like you, or your clients, I want you to consider something…


Were you (or they) comfortable where you were?


I’m not talking about happy where you were.


I mean comfortable.


As in - whilst you wanted the results of your dream - it would be far easier to just stay where you  were because where you were nothing was at stake or at risk.


See, nothing is at risk when you are just learning and staying where you are.


But when you have to take action…


When you step out into the unknown and have to experience uncertainty…


All of a sudden there is a deep, inner feeling of slight “danger”, isn’t there?


Like something could go wrong.


I get it.


I’ve felt that too.


We all have.


Because, remember….


It’s hard wired into us all that risk is bad and comfort is good.


If any of this sounds familiar…


If you’ve been on a personal development or coaching business journey and still not arrived where you want to…


If you’ve had clients who you just don’t seem to be able to help…


Today might just be the most important day of the rest of your life.


But let me prove that to you…

Here's A Little Test You Can Personally Take To See If This Evolutionary Obstacle Has, Or Will, Hold You Back In Life…

OK, let’s put this to the test to see if you could be getting held back personally by what we’ve been speaking about…


Below is a list of a handful of common fears that people often want to avoid.


With each fear I’ve given you an example thought someone with that fear might think.


The challenge here is often these fears are unconscious.


But as you read through ask yourself - “Does this one feel like it applies to me?”.


And, most importantly, BE HONEST with yourself.


You are the only one who will struggle if you bury your head in the sand with this kind of thing.


Believe me, it’s a GREAT thing if you identify that you’ve been held back and stayed comfortable based on one or more of these fears because we can then work on it.


Most people I have taken through this identified with a lot of these so it’s no need to beat yourself up.


You’re normal!


Now, let’s take a look to see if you identify with any of these and I’ll then share with you what this has to do with risk, comfort and your survival programming…


1. Do You Fear Negative Emotions?


Example Thought: “If I take action I might feel scared or fearful or something else negative so it is easier to put things off to avoid that pain”


2. Do You Fear Losing Hope For A Better Future?


Example Thought: “If I take action and this doesn’t work then I’ll feel low because my dream will have died"


3. Do You Fear Not Mattering?


Example Thought: “If I take action and people don’t care, I won’t be liked/loved for it”


4. Do You Fear Competition?


Example Thought: “There are too many other business owners/authors/coaches etc who know more than I do, are more qualified and are better at marketing and selling than I am...so what’s the point?”


5. Do You Fear Other Peoples Negative Opinions?


Example Thought: “If I never put myself out there I’ll never have to experience the pain of negative opinions”


6. Do You Fear Getting Found Out As ‘Not Good Enough’?


Example Thought: ‘I’m going to get found out, humiliated and people will realise I’m not up to the job”


7.  Do You Fear People Thinking You Are Silly For Believing You Can Do Big Things In Life?


Example Thought: “People will laugh at me or question me for thinking I can do this”


8. Do You Fear Uncertainty, The Unknown And Not Being In Control?


Example Thought: “By stepping into the unknown I am losing control of what will happen and I don’t know if I can handle whatever does happen”


9. Do You Fear Being Responsible For Others Dreams, Feelings, Results Etc As A Coach?

Example Thought: “Extra responsibility might create a pressure that could make my life miserable”


10. Do You Fear Public Failure And Embarrassment?


Example Thought: “People seeing me fail will be painful and some are waiting for me to fail so they can say ‘I told you so’ and I’ll feel embarrassed”


11. Do You Fear Mistakes And Doing The Wrong Thing As A Coach?


Example Thought: “I might say or do the wrong thing and it could mess someone up”


12. Do You Fear Missing Out On Easier Paths To Your Dreams?


Example Thought: “What if this path is making my life harder and there is an easier way?”


14. Do You Fear Feeling Confused Or Overwhelmed?


Example Thought: “Confusion and overwhelm means I’m stupid and not cut out for this”


15. Do You Fear Asking For Money And Charging Clients High End Fees?


Example Thought: “People might laugh at me when I tell them my prices because I’m not worth that money”


16. Do You Fear Wasting Time?


Example Thought: “Am I wasting my time on something that is never going to happen?” 


17. Do You Fear Things Becoming Real Rather Than Just A Nice Idea?


Example Thought: “Taking action rather than just learning will mean that things finally become real and will have consequences”


18. Do You Fear Repeating Past Failures?


Example Thought: “Nothing I do ever works so why would this time be any different?”


19. Do You Fear Being Unworthy?


Example Thought: “I don’t deserve the happiness and fulfilment that would come with success”


20. Do You Fear Getting Lots Of Attention?


Example Thought: “Attention doesn’t feel good and if I’m successful I’ll experience more of those bad feelings”




So - how did you get on?


Many people find it quite emotional going through that list because often they read something, or more often quite a few things, that packs a bit of a punch with them.


Like they’ve just read something they felt in their bones but could never quite verbalise.


So if you felt emotional or if it was a challenge reading through them, it’s OK.


But here’s the important thing to understand…

Identifying With Just ONE Of Those Could Hold Someone Back From Their Dream Life And Dream Version Of Themselves - Permanently

Each of those fears represents something…




If you fear something - you will naturally want to avoid risking that fear becoming a reality.




If you are comfortable where you are…


Even if your dreams coming true is on the other side of that fear and even if you don’t even feel happy where you are…


Your biological programming will very likely override your desire for the dream in order to keep you “safe”.


It’s just not worth the “risk” when you are comfortable.


Remember what the experts at Harvard said is hard-wired into our biology as a survival mechanism…


When things are comfortable - you DON'T take risks.


Are you seeing things more clearly now?


Are you starting to see why it’s NOT someone’s fault if they struggle to take action towards their dreams despite spending a fortune gaining the knowledge and support to get there?


Quite simply…


All the motivation and inspiration in the world won’t work if you’re comfortable and, deep down, you’re motivated to NOT achieve your dreams because there are risks you fear encountering along the way.


I’ll repeat that…


All the motivation and inspiration in the world won’t work if you’re comfortable and, deep down, you’re motivated to NOT achieve your dreams because there are risks you fear encountering along the way.


Your biology will override your psychology.


That’s the bad news.


For all of us.


Me, you and your clients.


But here’s the good news…

Thankfully There’s A Solution That Will Accelerate Your Potential AND Make You A Better Coach…

The solution to this challenge is remarkably simple once you know what’s been in the way…


It’s something I’ve actually been doing for many, many years now…


Only, because of what the experts at Harvard shared, I see things more clearly than ever and can really drill down on this even further.


The solution is this…


Eradicate someone’s fear of something happening and it will no longer be seen as risky which means their biology will no longer put the brakes on their actions.


Let me repeat that…


Eradicate someone’s fear of something happening and it will no longer be seen as risky which means their biology will no longer put the brakes on their actions.


The best way to explain this is with the fear of failure example I provided earlier…


Someone who fears failure, and is comfortable where they are, will likely not take the consistent action necessary to get to where they want to be.


They’ll avoid risking the failure becoming a reality because they’re comfortable.


Ah but now look at this…


If that person STOPS seeing failure as something to be feared…


If failing is no longer something they worry about or bothers them…


It’s no longer a “risk” to them.


Which means action becomes EASY because the brakes of the fear of failure have been let off.


Does that make sense?


In other words…


If you stop fearing something happening - action becomes easy whether you’re comfortable or not.


But if that fear still exists…


There’s a high chance you’ll only take action if you experience such pain that it’s no longer comfortable where you are.


So the solution is simple…


Change yours, and your clients, relationship with fear - and you’ll change their life forever and empower them to go after their dreams without the brakes of their biology holding them back.

Who Could You Become If You Feared Nothing?

I want you to stop and think about something…


Who could you become if you no longer feared the things our culture has taught us to fear?


It’s fine to fear things that are natural to fear.


But so, SO many of your fears, and the fears of your clients, are not natural.


They are fears you’ve taken on board from society, media, peers, past experiences and so on.


Now, imagine if I could wave a magic wand and take away these unnatural fears from you.


Fears like the ones in the list of 22 we just went through which you identified with (there’s a lot more than those 22 of course!).


Who could you become if those fears no longer existed?


How would you feel?


How much easier would it be to take action and make your dreams a reality?


I really want you to consider that.


And what words would you use to describe someone without fears blocking their action?








Wouldn’t it be great to feel that way?


Imagine just how great it would feel waking up every single day no longer shackled by the fears that trigger your biological drive for comfort.


Imagine empowering clients so that their own fears never got in the way of them becoming who they want to be and doing what they want to do.


Imagine what a human being could achieve and experience if their relationship with fear changed - permanently.


What an amazing way to live!


And what a gift to be able to give someone as a coach.


It’s that gift that I want to be able to give to you today…

Introducing: The Freedom Experience

The more I thought about this concept of risk, comfort and fear…


The more I looked at my client transformations and my students who went on to do amazing things in the world…


And the more I thought about those who didn’t change - despite wanting to…


The more it become clear that, if you change someones relationship to fear, you change their life.


I knew that before.


Now. though, I knew WHY it’s so hard for someone to change whilst their fears still exist.


Which is why I’ve decided to do something special…


See, my current training programmes for coaches teach coaching methods that can be applied to any situation a client is in.


But for a while I’ve wanted to create a training programme that was more specific and also showed you coaching “in-action”.


So you could watch me coach and see how I do things - whilst also getting the benefit of your own personal growth.


And because I can see how fear could impact ANY area of yours and your clients life…


Their confidence…self esteem…relationships…dreams…health…


I’ve decided to focus my brand new training programme, The Freedom Experience, around changing someone’s relationship with fear forever.


I’ll change your relationship with fear…


I’ll show you how to change someone else’s relationship with fear…


And together we’ll empower you and your future clients to go after dreams without fear, risk and comfort getting in the way so anyone can finally become who they have always wanted to be.




Can you imagine how unstoppable and free someone would be if fear no longer held them back?


That’s what The Freedom Experience is all about!

Here’s What You Get…

I didn’t just want to create another online course…


I wanted this to be different


Something I’d never done before…


So here’s how The Freedom Experience will work…


This is going to be a year long programme.


Trust me, you’ll benefit from it your very first week.


But I REALLY wanted to go overboard with the value here.


After all - I’m on a mission to create the best coaches in the world.


Every single week, for a whole year, you’ll be able to attend a live, virtual training session (or watch the replays if you’d prefer) that will last between 60-90 minutes on average.


We’ll vary the timings of the sessions to suit people around the world as we are a global training company.


In each session I’ll do one of three things…


(1) I’ll either speak about fear from a new angle and share stories, wisdom and insights that will change your relationship with fear and risk (and even allow you to just copy what I say and share it with your own current and future clients)…


(2) Or you’ll watch me coach someone through their own fears live so you can get an “insiders look” into how an elite level coach changes someone’s life (and also benefit from what I share with the coachee - I’ll show you how to apply the insights they have to your own life and fears)


(3) Or you’ll listen in as I chat with a special guest coach or expert in psychology about fear, risk and comfort and how they work with it with their own clients (I have contacts around the world in the coaching space who will blow your mind with their wisdom and experiences).


I assure you, with each week and session, your own relationship with fear will transform further and further.


And your ability to transform your clients relationship with fear will also skyrocket.


Quite simply - this is a programme that is going to change lives - forever.


But let’s make sure it’s right for you…

“This Sounds Amazing David And All Makes So Much Sense! But How Can I Be Certain This Is For Me?”

You can be completely certain you’ll get lifelong value from signing up to The Freedom Experience by answering these two simple questions…


Do you think fear is currently holding you back from where you want to be and who you want to be in ANY area of your life (Career, business, money, relationships, social situations, body and more)?




Do you want to work with coaching clients and get them the best results possible?


If you answered YES to one or both of those questions - you will get a huge amount of value personally in who you become and in terms of your client transformations (the better client transformations you get the easier it is to get more clients because success stories do the selling for you!).


So if you answered YES…


And knowing that you get a YEARS worth of live virtual trainings where you’ll transform your own relationship with fear so you can finally become who you’ve always wanted to be, watch me coach others AND learn from guest experts, whilst being able to use everything you learn with your own clients…


You might be starting to panic that The Freedom Experience will cost thousands.


After all, most trainings in the coaching space where you get weekly training costs at least five grand (and more often ten!).


But I’m a man on a mission, so I’ve priced this just high enough to attract those who are serious about transformation - but not so high it’s beyond the reach of many…


And I’ve ensured I haven’t priced it so low that I attract those who aren’t serious about their own transformation or those of their clients (it’s never fun teaching the uncommitted of this world!).


Which means, right now, your investment in The Freedom Experience will be a one time payment of just $597.


Or you can choose to break those payments up into 12 monthly payments of just $64.


That’s for an entire years membership.



That’s The Equivalent Of Just $1.60 A Day To Finally Become Who You’ve Always Dreamt Of Being Without Fear Getting In The Way (And Help Others To Do The Same Too!)

If you choose to pay in full that’s the equivalent of just $1.60 per day (and just a bit more than that daily if you choose the monthly payment plan).


So the question is…


What’s worth more to you?


Spending $1.60 daily on something else…


…or on changing your relationship with fear, and your clients relationship with fear, permanently?


To me - that’s what you call a no brainer.


Which is why I’m so, so excited about this brand new year long training.


I genuinely believe the value so far, far outweighs the investment that I feel thrilled to be able to offer it to you.


Being able to free people from the fears that block their inner peace and dreams is an honour and I can’t wait to transform you every week and further help you to transform your clients.


One last thing before you sign up…

Try It Out Risk Free

Sign up today…


For the next 30 days you’ll be able to attend the next four weekly live trainings, or watch the replays.


See for yourself the amazing value I provide each week…


Experience the shifts you have with your own relationship with fear…


Learn how to transform your clients relationship with fear…


And quickly start enjoying the benefits of a life that can be lived without fear holding someone back.


If, at any time within 30 days of your purchase, you’re not completely happy - simply email my team and we’ll refund you in full.


You’ll no longer be able to access future trainings or watch replays if you do refund, but at least you’ll have given this a shot.


And that’s all I ask of you.


Let me prove to you how transformative this can be for you and your clients.


If I don’t deliver - you’ll have risked nothing as we’ll simply refund you.


Ah - but when I do deliver - your life and your coaching ability will hit a level of inner peace and freedom that most can only dream about!


One last thing…

Limited Spaces Available

This is a launch offer only


Soon the price will be going up by at least another hundred bucks.


And, eventually, I may have to close this offer permanently as we expect this to be incredibly popular.


So if this appeals to you…


Don’t delay.


Because you’ll either have to pay more (even at a higher price it will still be a bargain)…or you may miss out on experiencing freedom on a permanent basis if we close the doors to it,


So click the order link below and sign up today


You’ve got nothing to lose thanks to our money back guarantee…


Within weeks the current fears that hold you back can have transformed…


Your ability to transform your clients will have gone to a level far beyond the ability of most “ordinary” coaches…


And within 12 short months you’ll back at this moment as the moment that changed everything!


Let’s do this!


Click the order button and let’s go on an exciting, fun and rewarding year long adventure together.

See you on the inside.




David is an absolute legend of a trainer. Highly Recommended.





Tommy Franzen

Dancer & Choreographer - Strictly Come Dancing / Mamma Mia

I am lucky enough to have worked with David both at his live events and on his online programmes. The guidance, knowledge, and unique understanding I gained shape everything I do with my coaching business.


Anthony Astbury

CEO, Whole Man Academy

David's course opened up an infinite number of ways for me to get the life I want, right now, today, and in the future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone in search of a new professional career or for those who simply want a happier life. Thank You!

Lucia Pohrebnyak

Entrepreneur and Coach

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